Fruit Knight

Game Project 1: Fruit Knight

This was the first game project we did at Future Games. Our group was a team of 6 people, 3 programmers and 3 2D artists.

Our programmers were: Matthew Garcés, Joakim Lembke, Grimm Svenkerud. Our 2D artists were: Karl Erhnström, Sofia Liljefors, Sebastian Berglöv

Project 1: Fruit Knight

On this project I worked on the "boos", or in this case the skeletons. The project lasted for a little less than 2 weeks. It was quite intresting since I had never done AI such as this. The only game I had made prior to this is a simple platformer with "AI" only moving back and forth between 2 walls.

Ghost Controller
											using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GhostController : MonoBehaviour

    public Rigidbody2D rigidBody2d;
    public CircleCollider2D cCollider2d;
    public Animator myAnim;
    public float speed = 1.0f; //Speed of the enemy
    public Vector2 direction = Vector2.up; //Direction of the enemy

    private float changeDirectionTime; // the soonest time enemy change direction
    public Direction enDirection;

    void Start()
        //Get the RidgidBody2D of the enemy
        rigidBody2d = GetComponent();
        //Get the CircleCollider of the enemy 
        cCollider2d = GetComponent();
        //Set Animator
        myAnim = GetComponent();

    void Update()
        //Wall detection
        if (!openDirection(direction))
            if (canChangeDirection())
            else if (rigidBody2d.velocity.magnitude < speed)

        else if (canChangeDirection() && Time.time > changeDirectionTime)
        //stuck on non wall
        else if (rigidBody2d.velocity.magnitude < speed)
        //Rotate eyes
        foreach (Transform t in GetComponentInChildren())
            if(t != transform)
                t.up = direction;
        // Move
        rigidBody2d.velocity = direction * speed;
        if (rigidBody2d.velocity.x == 0)
            transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Round(transform.position.x), transform.position.y);
        if (rigidBody2d.velocity.y == 0)
            transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, Mathf.Round(transform.position.y) + 0.3f);

    private bool openDirection(Vector2 direction)
        RaycastHit2D[] rayHits = new RaycastHit2D[10];
        cCollider2d.Cast(direction, rayHits, 0.1f, true);
        foreach (RaycastHit2D rayHit in rayHits)
            if (rayHit && rayHit.collider.gameObject.layer == 10)
                return false;
        return true;

    private bool canChangeDirection()
        Vector2 perpRight = Utility.PerpendicularRight(direction);
        bool openRight = openDirection(perpRight);
        Vector2 perpLeft = Utility.PerpendicularLeft(direction);
        bool openLeft = openDirection(perpLeft);
        return openRight || openLeft;

    private void changeDirectionAtRandom()
        changeDirectionTime = Time.time + 1;
        if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)

    private void changeDirection()
        changeDirectionTime = Time.time + 1;
        Vector2 perpRight = Utility.PerpendicularRight(direction);
        bool openRight = openDirection(perpRight);
        Vector2 perpLeft = Utility.PerpendicularLeft(direction);
        bool openLeft = openDirection(perpLeft);
        if (openRight || openLeft)
            int choice = Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (!openLeft || (choice == 0 && openRight))
                direction = perpRight;
                direction = perpLeft;
            direction = -direction;
        if (direction.y == -1)
            enDirection = Direction.Down;
        else if (direction.y == 1)
            enDirection = Direction.Up;
        else if (direction.x == 1)
            enDirection = Direction.Right;
        else if (direction.x == -1)
            enDirection = Direction.Left;
        myAnim.SetInteger("Direction", (int)enDirection);